The month of April has Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Eris all coming together to make our lives more interesting.
April will be a month of looking at your inner self, spiritual fulfillment and possibly create a bit of confusion of your progress in life. Ready or not, April will be a month of transformation. It is up to you to use the energy of this month to make leaps forward, or bump your head in stubbornness to change, while futilely trying to remain in your old habits. This is the perfect time to look deep into yourself and ask, am i doing what i really want to and was meant to do in life? It is also a time to ask if your current situation is working for you, both career and love life. To move forward in the right direction, it is important that we know our deepest values and goals. So make time for meditation and listing to your inner voice, and use the momentum and energy of April to change your life in the direction you need to be.
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